Plastic crusher maintenance and matters needing attention

Plastic crusher is plastic recycling machine and it can reuse, can create more useful to production material, here is to introduce the use of plastic crusher.

1, before we start, should use first human will move driving wheel engages a two laps, confirm flexible motion activated after boot. And only after working normally crusher for material. Motive power supply power. The parts for damage. 2, stop before operation, should first stop feeding and will machine material row net, and then cut

3, in the works to pay attention in the temperature of the bearing, ensure bearing keep good lubrication condition, and

Note sound and vibration without exception. Found not normally, should stop check whether was not broken objects gets stuck, or 4, to keep the crusher of feeding even, prevent overload. Defend metal and wood can’t be broken objects fall into the machine. Can’t broken, enters the material moisture too much; Wet broken, it needs to maintain proper water, due to the strong water shortage and congestion, reduce the production ability. And take the appropriate measures to eliminate. 5, check whether the granularity of broken product meets the requirement. If the size of the particle too much more than the required, should find out the reasons (such as screen flaw is too large, discharging mouth wide, hammer wear and so on), 6, crusher parking, check whether the bolt firm, easy to wear parts of the 7, grinding how wear degree. Tooth crusher, it should also use parking opportunity caught in the teeth away between of the wood. The loss of the parts, should change in time or repair. Save trouble, and make insurance device failure. FHG series plastic crusher when using note:

8, crusher insurance device, must keep a good state, must not be for 1, FHG series

Plastic crusher and power units to installation is firm. If need to plastic crusher long-term fixed assignments, should its fixed in cement base on the development; If need to plastic crusher work flow, the unit should be installed in the seat made with Angle iron, and ensure that power machine (wood oil machine or motor) and plastic crusher sheave turning on the same plane. Is suitable or not. 2, FHG series plastic broken machine after installation to check all the tighten fasteners, if there is a loose to give to screw. At the same time to check the tightness of rewinding 3, FHG belt series plastic crushers before starting, with the hand first rotating rotor, check the tooth and claw, hammer of rotor operation is flexible and reliable, the broken indoor have collision phenomenon, the direction of rotation and whether the rotor machine arrow direction, power and plastic crusher lubrication is good or not. 4, don’t literally change pulley, in case the speed is too high, plastic crushers 5 after starts should keep that room have broken explosion, or low speed crusher work efficiency of influence. Its first idling 2 ~ 3 min, no abnormal phenomenon feed again after work.

6, work must always be plastic crusher operation situation, first, feed uniformly, in case of obstruction broken material room; Second, don’t long time overload. If you find that there is the vibration and noise, bearing and the body temperature is too high, the phenomenon such as material to spray, shall be immediately stop check and remove the faults rear can the renewal work. Note 1, before we start, should use first human will move driving wheel engages a two laps, confirm flexible motion activated after boot. The broken machines such as operating normally before feeding. 2, stop before operation, should first stop feeding and will machine material row net, and then cut motive power supply power. 3, in the works to pay attention in the temperature of the bearing, ensure bearing keep good lubrication condition, and pay attention to sound and vibration without exception. Found not normally, should stop check whether was not broken objects gets stuck, or parts for damage. 4, to keep the crusher of feeding even, prevent overload. Defend metal and wood can’t be broken objects fall into the machine. Can’t broken, enters the material moisture too much; Wet broken, it needs to maintain proper water, due to the strong water shortage and congestion, reduce the production ability. 5, check whether the granularity of broken product meets the requirement. If the size of the particle too much more than the required, should find out the reasons (such as screen flaw is too large, discharging mouth wide, hammer wear, etc), and take proper measures to eliminate. 6, crusher parking, check whether the bolt firm, easy to wear parts of how wear degree. Tooth crusher, it should also use parking opportunity caught in the teeth away between of the wood. 7, grinding the components of the loss, should change in time or repair. 8, crusher insurance device, must keep a good state, must not be for save trouble, and make insurance device failure. FHG series plastic crusher when using note: 1, FHG series plastic crusher and power units to installation is firm. If need to plastic crusher long-term fixed assignments, should its fixed in cement base on the development; If need to plastic crusher work flow, the unit should be installed in the seat made with Angle iron, and ensure that power machine (wood oil machine or motor) and plastic crusher sheave turning on the same plane. 2, FHG series plastic broken machine after installation to check all the tighten fasteners, if there is a loose to give to screw. At the same time to check the tightness of rewinding belt is appropriate. 3, FHG series plastic crushers before starting, with the hand first rotating rotor, check the tooth and claw, hammer of rotor operation is flexible and reliable, the broken indoor have collision phenomenon, the direction of rotation and whether the rotor machine arrow direction, power and plastic crusher lubrication is good or not. 4, don’t literally change pulley, in case the speed is too high to break room produce explosion, or low speed crusher work efficiency of influence. 5, plastic crushers after starting should keep its first idling 2 ~ 3 min, no abnormal phenomenon feed again after work. 6, work must always be plastic crusher operation situation, first, feed uniformly, in case of obstruction broken material room; Second, don’t long time overload. If you find that there is the vibration and noise, bearing and the body temperature is too high, the phenomenon such as material to spray, shall be immediately stop check and remove the faults rear can the renewal work.

Plastic recycling equipment and plastic Shredder is really solve the appear in production of waste plastics a big problem, but for the use of machinery must be properly, so that the life of the machine will be more long.

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